Saturday, January 1, 2011


Where am I going and how will I get there? A question many people have asked. On the brink of a new year, many people wonder what the new year will bring. A new car? A new house? A new job? A new spouse? Others will contemplate the places they will be traveling to in the new year. And the majority of us are making promises, or resolutions to make ourselves better in the new year.

I try to make at least one resolution each year. What I have found to be true is that it is not always the completion of the resolution that brings success, but rather the journey that one takes while attempting. That's why I have this blog. And it's one of my resolutions. Everyday for one year you'll get to see where my shoes are taking me. Sure I have the other resolutions. Do 10 crunches before bed each night, commit to exercising three times a week, go on a non-business trip, finish my final project for my masters, try to love others without limits. But come back here each day and you'll get to see a snapshot of just where my shoes are taking me.

Live. Laugh. Love.